18 April, 2009

West Coast Rules

I found my way into Hari Hari's school gymnasium just sdown the raod. I was greeted by a mixture of my co-travelers and the locals--a thick-necked, blunt faced, large handed rugby player' a squirrely little sheephand; a woman who brought her three week old son (Oliver) with her, and myriad other kiwis. I was glad to find that I was not out of place in my union suit, a pair of denim shorts (because my posterior button is missing), chacos, and a stocking cap to keep my hair out of my eyes.
Backetball in this country is much more physicall than basketball in the States. NOt to pretend that I have anything but the most rudimentary understanding of basketball in the US, but I had an even harder time this evening figuring out what was going on. I loved it. It ended with a Speights in the schools gym, and though we lost, we have another shot at it on Monday.

Photos from the Rematch-

1 comment:

  1. Basketball? Who is we? Have you gone and joined a basketball team samantha? What is a Speights? And when are you coming home? Thank you for the letter by the way, how did you know I love semi-drowned penguin chicks?
