08 April, 2009

Contentment on a Seaseme Seed Bun (or, I suppose, if I must, "Cheeseburger in Paradise--and I don't mean Michigan")

Today was a grey, rainy, autumn day and I found myself lacking something as I waited in the drizzle for my bus at the Riccarton mall. I meditated a bit in my disconent and came to the conclusion that a cheeseburger would be most fantastic right at that moment. Immediately after that thought came the realization that I was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the Golden Arches--yes, that's right, McDonald's rose behind me in all of it's red-tiled glory. And friends, I gave into temptation. I had another six minutes before my bus arrived, and they do call it fast food for a reason. I went over and sold my soul for a quarterpounder with cheese. While I was asked, "Do you want cheese with that?" (Incidentally, yes, yes I did), moments later, I skipped through the door and back into the drizzle to munch away my dissatisfaction.

I do not typically like fast food. Really, that I had egg mcmuffins this past winter on a couple of occasions is odd and a product of necissity (and perhaps, a lack of initiative on my part). In the past, I have actually felt ill after eating McDonalds (and Burger King, and sometimes Hardees, though a chili burger was nice after SCUBA). This time though, it was wonderful. The bun was lightly crisped and not at all soggy like I was expecting, the onions weren't to excess, and the ketchup was good ol' american ketchup, not this fruity watered down weird-o tomato sauce that I've come to expect with my chips.

Since eating that heavenly wad of grease, I think that I've developed at least 16 new zits, but it is worth it. It doesn't need to be repeated, that experience, but at that moment I experienced nothing but pure joy in ingesting Ronald McD's finest. A memory that I shall savor.

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