18 April, 2009

Rainforest to Glacier

On this day, we took an optional hike to the Franz-Josef glacier where we met up with two UWSP grads (Tina and Ian) who managed to score some sweet temporary jobs with the Department of Conservation (something for me to consider in my near future).

That the road to where we were going had been washed out and was only recently re-opened should have been taken as a sign--not a bad sign, just a sign. The hike was a prime example of a game some co-travelers and I have dubbed "not a trail." IT was fantastic! We went ankle deep in mud, climbed some water falls, forded a few icy rivers of glacial melt, and had to hop, skip, and jump our way across some deeper sections of trail. I hadn't expected the hike to involve so much climbing, either. Well, I suppose if we're going to be technical, it was bouldering. I loved every damp, muddy, bruising second of it! All of it was through a temperate rainforest with the pleasant sounds of bell birds and tomtits all around.

We had lunch on the trail infront of a small lake that majestically reflected the mountains and the glacier and then proceeded to climb what I'm pretty sure may be the world's longest hill at a most uncomfortable gradient.
Because Tina is considered a guide, she was able to read conditions and safely take us right up to the face of the glacier, where we took a few group shots and generally had a grand ol' time--after more extreme hiking of course.

Afterwards, Dr. J treated us to a lovely pizza dinner and festivies and good times were had by all.

I've given up on posting pictures--my apologies. Facebook albums will have to suffice.

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