31 January, 2009

Sydney Opera House

After getting prettied up and a drink reception that the principal of the college's house, we set out to see "The Bard Without the Boring Bits; The complete works fo William Shakespeare (abridged)."

Honestly, the theater that we saw the play in was much less spectacular than I was expecting--along the same lines as the Sentry theater, but with a better lighting system. However, the play was hilarious and played exactly into my sense of humor, and I feel classier now that I can say that I've seen all of Shakespere's works. To give you an idea, the line that made me laugh the hardest was during an explanation of one of the histories and was, "Ooo, I'm a panda! Look at my diminished habititat!" Maybe it's funnier in context.

Afterwards, I had the most surreal, "Oh wow, I'm really in a different country and this is my life right now" moment when we were sitting outside, sipping wine, with the harbor bridge lit up in the background, after seeing a play in the Sydney Opera House.

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