22 January, 2009

Corrections, additions, and blank filling-ins

In an effort to put off final packing as long as I possibly can, here are some official details that I may have avoided talking about, made up answers, or otherwise failed to deal with.

I am taking 14 credits.
I am taking a field biology class (natural history of New Zealand)
Physical Geography of New Zealand
International Study tour of Australia and New Zealand (I will be in Australia from 1/25-2/4)
Culture and Civilization: New Zealand (an international studies class)
Introduction to Environmental Study
I believe that I'm also enrolled in a fitness credit, but I might not have done all of the appropriate paper work. We'll see.

Right now, the plan is that I will be gone from 1/23-5/5 when I will arrive at O'Hare, unless I marry someone in order to obtain NZ citizenship (which seems to be a pretty universal concern...). I will be with my host family (a woman called Sue with two cats and a dog) from 2/13-5/4. I am not planning on going to Fiji or the Cook Islands at this time.

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