I figured that if I am to tell you all about this site, that I might as well have something for you to look at. I also figured I should try to get a handle on the ins and outs of this site while I have a bit of time.
After a bit of messing around, I have found this to be quite user friendly, and it will handle the volume of photos that I intend to post (not to fear, there will likely be fac
The current photos, incase you are wondering, are from an adventure I had yesterday on Mykelbust lake in Iola. I went ice fishing for the first time since I was probably three or four. We didn't catch anything and it's not a hobby that I will actively pursue, but it was a warmer sunny morning that I spent on the ice with my family--who could ask for anything more?
Anyhow, until I'm down under, take care, make wise choices, stay hydrated, and wear sunscreen.
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