09 February, 2009

Little sheep out of the big city

Sheep, sheep, sheep, and then some sheep. Fifteen minutes out of town, and I saw more sheep than I’ve seen in Christchurch. I can easily believe that there are at least twenty times as many, if not more, sheep than there are people in New Zealand. I have heard that there are 2 million people, and about 40 million sheep.

As we began our South Island tour, I was struck with how green this country is and how little of it is developed. Also, the kiwis are insane drivers.

We stopped at Possum Lodge Farm to see how sheep are sheared and I think to give us a “farm” experience. Many of my co-travelers are from small towns in northern Wisconsin, and Stevens Point isn’t exactly big-city, so I don’t think we were quite as impressed as we were supposed to be. But these people were really kind and showed us their sheep, their red deer, their pigs, and their cows, and even gave us a sheep herding demo with their dogs. Afterwards, they invited us into their home for tea and biscuits and we awkwardly discussed weather in Wisconsin and heating costs. Mostly the professor talked about heating.

I hadn’t realized how tightly wound I had become in Sydney, and am glad to be in a less urban environment.

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